But I am encouraged that he wanted to recognize that eventually this committee is going to have to deal with this issue, and that the best thing one could do is prepare oneself in anticipation thereof. I applaud him for that.
I think that perhaps
Mr. Laframboise is right. It is a good time to start with one, two or three sessions. After those first meetings, we could either go a little further, or wrap our studies up. We have to learn all the terminology, learn about the technology, the nature, the characteristics, the parameters, the studies that have already been done, and put it all into context for the committee.
If the three governments present us with a proposal towards the end of the year, it will not be a good time to say that we would like to start studying high-speed trains. I think that the good time is now. I congratulate Mr. Laframboise for the compromise he is proposing, and Mr. Bevington for the agreement that he seems to be giving us.
I hope that Mr. Jean agrees.