If you would be good enough to look at slide 9, it makes it easier. The current convention to which we are a party is the pink layer. This is the international fund that is established under a convention. It's located in London, U.K., and Canada contributes to the fund whenever the fund needs money to pay oil pollution claims around the world.
The way we manage our contributions to the fund is by using the domestic fund, the Ship-Source Oil Pollution Fund, which is at the top of this graph, and using the resources of that fund to pay our international contributions. Now, where does the Ship-Source Oil Pollution Fund get its money? At the moment it gets its money through accrued interest, which is earned on the balance of the fund, and that accrued interest is credited to it from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. That's a provision in our law in recognition of the fact that the seed money for the domestic fund came from the oil industry in the 1970s, when the fund was first established. The funds were first collected from oil companies. Then there was a point where there was no need to collect any more because there were no claims. The collection was stopped in 1976, and ever since then the domestic fund has grown by accrued interest, and it is using the accrued interest to pay our obligations to the international funds. That's how the financial part operates.