The first thing to say is that providing a special maritime lien for suppliers is not a practice globally. It is the practice in the United States, and because it is a practice in the United States, Canadian ship suppliers are at a disadvantage when something happens to a ship that trades in both Canada and the United States, because the U.S. suppliers have a lien, but the Canadian suppliers do not have a lien, and they fall below these others. There are issues when, because you are lower in the ranking, it's very difficult to go after the shipowner, because the ship has left the country and you can't find the owner or find the ship in order to exercise any rights you have under normal maritime law to get payment.
That's not the case with the Canadian ships. We're always operating in the Canadian system. All the rules that suppliers have within the Canadian judicial system for getting paid—seizing the ship, in rem, and those sorts of things—are available to them. There isn't a requirement for an additional provision.