Mr. Kowalski, I wanted to let you know that my brother operated Clearwater Trail/Wilderness Tours in northern Alberta for over 20 years. I don't know if you're aware of him. I understand the problem you're faced with, but we want to make sure that the vessels and operators are of such a nature that we can exclude them under the Marine Liability Act and at the same time help you to stay in business.
I want to look at section 139, the lien itself. In paragraph 139(2)(a), it says the lien would operate only “in respect of goods, materials or services wherever supplied to a foreign vessel for its operation or maintenance”. So it's operation and maintenance, not FOB shipping, that's going to be taking place. Further, it says, “out of a contract relating to the repair or equipping of a foreign vessel”. So free onboard shipments that would be sent to a shipper would not be included. Is there another example where it would possibly be used?