I want to come back to the explanation I gave Mr. Kennedy, at our last meeting. I want this to be clear.
First of all, the forms for the Quebec programs became available only on May 1, through the Quebec Ministry of Municipal Affairs. So, they are brand new. It is not that I am trying to blame the Conservative government. However, it is Quebec that decides on its own priorities, not the federal government. The forms became available on May 1.
If we start our study on May 12, the programs will not yet be available in Quebec. I do not want the wrong message to get out. Since the Liberal Party has been tabling a motion at every meeting, it may as well continue to do so. At some point, when Quebec has received applications and has approved projects, we may be able to get a report from Quebec. If I vote in favour of this motion today, Quebec as a whole will not have any information, simply because the forms have only been available since May 1, for cities interested in applying.
This is money from 2007. I have been listening to Mr. Kennedy, in recent weeks and months, calculate how much money is still in Ottawa. A lot of that money belongs to Quebec. It was the Government of Quebec's decision not to take the money immediately. I am not blaming the Conservative government. We will see. Its turn will come, but we are not ready. So, the Liberals can just keep on tabling motions! Today, we will be voting against this motion. In three weeks or a month from now, we may be more favourable to it.