Thank you very much.
As you know, I am not on this committee, but this is the fourth meeting in a row that I've attended to discuss this issue. In reviewing this legislation when I was substituting, I noted what was, in my view, a very serious error, and it should be corrected. I'd like to take a little bit of time to explain it so that it's absolutely clear.
First, there's a difference between a right and remedy. Section 139 provides a right, the maritime lien, but it doesn't provide any remedy for how it's to be enforced. For example, if an innocent Canadian provides services and there is a lien that has arisen pursuant to section 139, the question then becomes, “So what?”.
I'd like you to think about this on a very practical basis. If a constituent of yours comes to your office and says, “Help; I'm owed money, and there is this ship, and it's leaving”, if it's about to leave in two hours or you can see it getting up steam, there's nothing you can do to help your constituent at all. You're going to say, “Well, you have to hire a lawyer and go to court and get an order”, and that takes time and money.
With this particular amendment, the same detention provisions would apply. You'd be able, in essence, to freeze the foreign ship from leaving so that the Canadian would actually have some opportunity to be paid.
I want to address specifically the comments of the representative of the Canadian Bar Association. His comment to me was that he would hate that, in terms of these amendments. Let me explain why.
The Canadian Bar Association--and I fully support it--has a job to do. Their job is to represent lawyers; that's their motto. I'm the former elected secretary of the Ontario Bar Association, and representing 17,000 lawyers was my job. I know all about it, but that's not why we're here now. We're here to represent Canadians and our constituents.
If these amendments pass, the result will be as follows: if somebody comes into your constituency office and says, “Help”, you can say, “Have that detention officer hold the ship. Then we'll deal with it”. If proof of a satisfactory lien is provided, then they're protected. If there isn't satisfactory proof, the ship is released anyway, but this stops the first stage of having to actually go to court.
The representative of the CBA said specifically that it would cost $300 and that it could be done within a number of hours. Well, if you find a really good lawyer, maybe it can be done the same day, but let me describe what's required when you go to court.
First of all, it's not $300. There is normally a $200-plus filing fee. If somebody who is owed $300 or $500 or $800 or $1,500 or $2,000 or whatever it may be comes into your constituency office and you've voted against these amendments, what you're going to have to say to the person is, “Spend $2,000 or $3,000 or whatever it may be on a lawyer so that you can be paid $500”, rather than simply saying, “The ship can't leave, and we will take care of you. This is who you call”.
The legal process for getting an order is as follows: you need to commence a statement of claim, meaning you sue. You go to a lawyer, prepare the document, and pay the filing fee, but it's not only that; you then have to prepare motion material, swear an affidavit or maybe a couple of affidavits, get a notice of motion, and get all the proof. Then you have to find a judge.
Maybe you can find one--maybe. Maybe a judge is not available because it's Friday at 4:00 p.m. and the judge isn't available until Monday, and the ship's gone. If you can find a judge, maybe you'll have to wait for five hours to be heard, and the lawyer is being paid at his or her hourly rate for the five hours while you're waiting.
It's not $300. To be paid your $300, $400, $500, $1,800, or whatever it may be, it's probably thousands of dollars.
What I'm trying to do is put some teeth into this legislation simply by referring back to the teeth that are already provided for other matters in terms of the designated officer just freezing things. Then you'll be able to hold the ship. You'll be able to seek the sale, if necessary, or they can pay the amount of the lien, or the judge can do whatever he or she wishes to do, because it has to go in front of a judge before the sale anyway.
We're not trying to take away anybody's rights; we're simply trying to protect the rights of Canadians so that the maritime lien is an effective new tool rather than simply a piece of paper that will cost thousands to enforce and that many people will not use.
Those are my submissions. I'm happy to answer questions.