I just wanted to add--and maybe we haven't mentioned it--that you would get your two high-speed rail corridors, but it also means you have a regional transportation system with passenger rail that still exists. VIA would still exist, and not only would you connect with your light rail and your buses inner-city, but inter-city you wouldn't.... Over in Europe and Asia they don't have high speed and nothing; they still have their regional train system. So I don't want communities, for instance Winnipeg and all that, that are not on the high-speed agenda not to think that they could be on the higher-speed agenda.
I've taken that train from Winnipeg and Saskatoon through the dead of night, and I keep thinking, why don't we have some kind of corridor here to move people from Winnipeg to Saskatoon? Why is it something we do in the middle of the night, hush-hush? Why is VIA a tourist train in western Canada?
So I just wanted to let you know it's not just high speed; there are definitely going to be the regional trains that will exist, and we can improve on them too.