The impact on regional air service is negative. If you look at Europe, most people move in 200- to 400-kilometre movements. They move by train. They don't move by air. Compared to here, I would anticipate a drop in demand for air passenger traffic between Montreal and Ottawa or Montreal and Toronto. It just makes sense. It's a reality. However, what you do see is an inducement to additional transportation demand. What happens then is that people who live in Kingston and who would say it's too far to drive into Toronto every day can now be on a train. That becomes a commuter shed. So they can move to Toronto or Montreal and then move back and forth. So you see a lot more movement.
It also means that it stimulates the regional economies of those smaller centres, because now people can treat them as a bedroom community. Instead of saying they'll live in Pickering and then go into Toronto, they can live in Kingston and go into Toronto, or live in Kingston and go to Ottawa every day. As long as the fare structure is comparable to the amount for driving a car by yourself every day, then it becomes much more attractive. If you go to Europe, you see this kind of regionalized train service, and you don't see that many short-haul aircraft movements. They still exist for people that are really in a rush, but generally they don't exist any more.