I guess I could speak for Teamsters' construction division; this is Teamsters' rail division operative.
I think a while back there were certainly a few areas where there were some shortages. One, of course, was in the pipeline. That was simply because they hadn't built pipelines in such a long time that a lot of the people who had built pipelines had in fact retired. We proceeded with a large training initiative to correct that for the upcoming pipeline growth that we still hope will come.
I think that's a construction issue. You'd have to talk probably with the building trades and others. Clearly, there were some areas where there was...I wouldn't say a shortage but a disallocation of labour resources across the country. We like to say in construction, “If you build it, we will come.” I think generally, at the end of the day, if we're looking now at a recession, time being as it is, going forward we probably will not have that problem. I certainly hope not.