There are lots of discussions about one mode saying this and one mode saying that; they get this benefit and we get that. The truth of the matter is that rail subsidizes road through taxes on diesel. Every single mode has different aspects to it. When you think intermodal, you realize that a lot of it is complementary or supplementary. It's how we get a win-win, it's not whether somebody pays a nickel more or a nickel less, or something else.
In the end, the thing is whether this project makes sense economically for today or, more importantly, for the future. Is it environmentally sound? Is it something that we want to do? Do we think we can get a lot of infrastructure from this, not just the building but also spinoffs? Cities like London...which is a great city, by the way. I've been there many times. I love London. So you did a good job, and I'll reiterate that it's a great city. So is Quebec City, and so is Laval. I've visited them all through that corridor.
I think that's something the House of Commons should be looking at--not at this as just a rail line but at what else it can do for the country, both through international agreements and also for locals.