But standards are standards. I am sure that people want to go back and talk about Canada not being Japan. In Europe today we're incorporating 35% limestone in the cement, which means we're saving over 30% of greenhouse gases because we don't have to use fossil fuels at the start of the process. Yet we have neanderthals here in Canada and the United States saying we can't do that. If it works in Europe.... The pyramids used concrete and they're still standing.
Japan might not be Canada, but I can tell you they have as rigorous, if not more rigorous, standards. I used to be the CEO of the Standards Council of Canada, so I'm somewhat of an authority on this. All over Europe, the European norms and standards are allowing this. If you're going to say we don't have the right standards or you have a concern with that, let's ship it off to the Canadian Standards Association and ask them to have a look at this. We have three or four good standards bodies: the Canadian General Standards Board, the Bureau de normalisation du Québec, Underwriters Laboratories, and the Canadian Standards Association.
People have been trying for years to say we've got to reinvent the wheel here in Canada. We don't have to reinvent the wheel.