Let me answer your question on the interest this way. There were surveys and polling done by the Railway Association in May of 2008, asking people if they were favourable, somewhat favourable, negative and so forth, and the results indicate that the positive and somewhat positive are in excess of 70%. That's a survey. These are numbers that exist and that we can share with you afterwards if you want.
But let me answer it in a different way. I get many requests to speak to different groups: universities, social clubs, business clubs, and so forth. Inevitably, at every speech and every opportunity I have, the question comes up. Do you think we will have it? Do you think it's going to happen? Do you think there's potential for it? Do you think the government will in fact do it? And every time, I have to be prudent in my answer, because once again, you know, we have to wait for the findings of the study. We're very happy, actually, that the three governments decided to undertake this review.
I sense it and I am asked constantly about it. I know that our employees are wondering about it and wondering if it's ever going to happen. They have the evident question: if high-speed happens, what happens to the company? I always answer the same way, saying that it is premature, and if that decision is made we'll see what the actual business model will be for the operation of passenger rail in the country.
There is, in fact, support for this project. That's all I can say.