Unfortunately, that means, I guess, that we'll be making statements rather than asking questions. I find it difficult to accept that in the initial contract Canada Post would not have built in, in that 120-day period, an understanding of where to go and what to do next. I'm wondering why you didn't ask UPS and FedEx to respond to your request for information, since you were trying to update market intelligence, and since you already have a business relationship with both, according to your annual report.
Secondly, I have here an affidavit which says that on May 30:
CPC expressed admiration and appreciation for providing such a detailed and qualified RFI response and requested that Cargojet submit a high-level rough cost estimate for our RFI submission. This response further summarized our capabilities, commitment to meet the proposed start-up date, and even offered to buy back any unused capacity that may be available on this new network to further lower unit costs to CPC. It would be difficult for any other service provider to meet the average price per pound offered to CPC on this basis, and CPC told us that we could fully expect to move on to the next stage of the process, the formal RFP-RFQ.
Are they lying?