Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, I am pleased to be here today to assure the committee that actions taken by Canada Post were appropriate and done with the approval and oversight of the board. Specifically, a key role of the board is to ensure proper governance for transactions above a certain threshold. I can confirm that the contract to move domestic mail by air, which was awarded to Purolator Courier, was awarded appropriately and with the full oversight and approval required by the board of directors of Canada Post.
The contract was negotiated in accordance with Canada Post's commercial mandate. All applicable rules, laws, and regulations were followed. This was discussed at three board meetings. We approved the strategy, as required by our governance process, because we believed that the steps being taken by the company were in the best interests of Canada Post, the Government of Canada, and all Canadians.
Canada Post's board of directors understands and embraces the importance of good governance, transparency and accountability. We also understand that as a crown corporation, this company is held to a higher standard. We have all the necessary processes and checks and balances in place to ensure that money is spent appropriately and in the best interest of Canadians.