Correct me if I'm wrong. You may have had an opportunity to examine studies or carry out analyses. Either way, clearly, the more we discourage people from owning cars, the more public transport, including high speed trains, will be favoured and expand. At this point, people do use the public transit system, but they feel that they must have a car because they have to travel between Quebec and Montreal, for instance. In any case, there is no other way to travel. At some point, you have to tip the scales in the other direction.
I was surprised to hear from the motor bus operators' association that they were prepared to join in a public/private partnership that would involve their motor bus network. Obviously, the objective there would be to discourage people from owning cars. It is already a good thing environmentally speaking. At some point, the government is going to have to focus its investments in the area of mass transportation rather than consider building roads and widening highways.