I prefer that message. If over the medium term we do not make a decision, we will be forced to widen highways in the Quebec-Montreal-Windsor corridor. There is high population density, there's development and the highways are overloaded. Decisions have to be made. Ideally, everything could be done at once, but we should be cautious. If we hear that we need to deal with the urban transit network first, we will do so, but we need to widen the highways. In doing so, we will encourage people to take their cars to get out of the cities and travel. All of this is not easy. I think this is a turning point.
You mentioned what the American administration is doing. I think Canada has gotten to that point. Like you, I hope we can develop both networks. That is in fact why part of our study aims to integrate mass transit. We will get the report we want. We are heading in the same direction. You seemed to say that we must deal with mass transit before considering high-speed trains. If so, the auto sector will expand further. In some corridors, some people are thinking of widening the highways.