Since you mention safety, Mr. Crichton, I would like to bring in another factor, which is precisely the landing of crafts from the aerospace industry in Quebec.
You certainly know that the aerospace industry in Quebec is very important not only for Quebec but for Canada as a whole. This industry specifically uses the Mirabel landing strips to test its crafts. Therefore, it is a very important element for that industry. The safety of individuals and of crafts is an important issue. Thus, when the control tower is changed for an FSS, it seems to me that the safety of aircraft and especially of individuals is compromised.
I would like you to review the situation at the Mirabel airport from the point of view of safety for individuals and aircraft—I would even dare say the safety of the aerospace industry in Canada. To my knowledge the landing strip at Mirabel is the only one in Canada that is capable of receiving this type of craft.
Could you please comment on this?