We haven't done any work in that area. I personally come at the issue from a kind of commercial or economics angle, so I wouldn't be able to comment on the technical issues.
My comment from a commercial angle is that the obstacles of making this big leap are enormous. I think they've just been summarized. If we try to make that full leap, we may never make it, which is why it's important to make substantial leaps based on the infrastructure we currently have. Some things are already happening. There are small investments being made on VIA right now to improve it by half an hour. Half an hour is significant. And I'm sure there are more improvements to be had.
I think that incremental avenue is worth pursuing, just given that there are many fewer obstacles to pushing that forward. We can test whether improvements in the service actually attract more traffic. They should. In principle, it should work. Last year, I think VIA had an increase in traffic of 9%. That's historically great.
I think the vision's important, but at the same time, because we're not likely to make this kind of big decision for a few years to come, I think we need to push ahead incrementally as well. I doubt that it would be a waste of funds to do that.