The program has been in existence for a long time and it has very strong consultation mechanisms that have already been established, both with industry and with the provinces. There are memorandums of agreement with each province that deal with how we are going to do all aspects of our business together. The act is criminal law. It applies to everyone who imports, transports, offers for transport, or handles dangerous goods, and the memorandum of agreements with provinces dictate how we're going to do the enforcement of the like.
When you deal with the development of regulation, be that for training or whatever, obviously we respect the requirements and the jurisdiction of the provinces and work together to make sure there is not any overlap or duplication. Most provinces follow and adopt our federal regulations, and they become the basis point of what become the dangerous goods regulations across this country. All of them either adopt them or reference them in their own regulations. Other provinces may have a more elaborate system of their own, and these are only complementary.