We have a master plan for the municipality and we have a land use plan for the regional government. Those two plans must concord; one comes under the other.
Let me try to answer your question in another way. I'm aware of most of the national parks across Canada. I have been to Banff and Jasper and Newfoundland and all that. One thing that I would like to say is that the whole debate about Gatineau Park stems from a perception by certain people that having human beings in the park is not a good thing. I think we are trying to demonstrate today that we've been part and parcel of the stewardship of that park, that if the park exists the way it is now, five or six generations of people, some of whom knew Mackenzie King, have been very good stewards. They have phoned us when they saw fire. They have found people in the park with broken legs. They have done the ski trails. So this whole debate about why people should stay in the park and all that I think is not appropriate debate. The people are there, they are good stewards, they feel for it.
Chelsea is really tough. I keep saying to a lot of mayors across Canada that when you cut a tree in Chelsea, you need to have a consultation, and there are probably 200 people in the room who don't want you to cut that tree. So it's not as if it's a free-for-all and let's kill all the biodiversity. On the contrary. I think we've proven today that with the H2O program, the Nature Chelsea program, the memorandum of understanding we've set, we're quite on top of things. I think the NCC appreciates the cooperation they're getting from the municipality.