What would be a reasonable expectation? Now, if I went in to buy a pair of shoes, I'd reasonably expect a good pair of shoes and I'd expect if there is something wrong with them that the person who sold them to me would fix it.
It's the same with airline travel. If I contract with an airline to get me from point A to point B, I want them to get me from point A to point B courteously, respectfully, and hopefully on time. When you talk about weather and stuff like that—I disagree with you that it's a bad bill—I come from a part of Canada that probably has some of the worst weather that you wouldn't believe, and I'm sure northern B.C. is the same. I've flown out of St. John's airport when I couldn't see the tip of the wing. So I'm used to that. But I think the reasonable expectation that the people of Canada want is that they want to be treated fairly. They're paying good dollars, and I think that they want to get good service for that. I think that's what they reasonably expect.
So for a family of four that is not going.... I believe that you're one of the lucky ones, that you haven't experienced this with all the travel you've done. I know I've done stuff and I didn't get the same thing. I was told when there was a flight cancelled to go down with 2,000 other people at Pearson airport to try to use two white phones. That's not service. I don't think the people of Canada expect that.
You've heard all the same stories that I heard on the radio in the last couple of years, horror stories in the spring, in the summer, in the fall, and in the winter. So they're out there, and I think that the people of Canada expect something reasonable. They certainly expect no less than the people in the EU or the people in the United States would expect. That's all, and as Mr. Maloway said, I haven't heard of anybody who has gone out of business giving good service.