The dangerous goods act is a fairly big beast, but it has all sorts of prescribed limits and prescribed sizes of materials. I would not envision a lot of the smaller, limited loads coming under the act simply because of the size--a lead acid battery, no; an entire tank of chlorine, perhaps, I'm pretty sure. I would say certainly.
Just as background, we also sit on the trucking sector council. One of the issues that contractors raise in sourcing truck drivers, one of the biggest impediments, is finding truck drivers who can clear FAST card clearances. And one of the things we want to do with the transport security clearance is in fact have our more sensitive Canadian government deal with it. And I say it in a nice way; it's still very rigorous. The companies complain that they can't get enough drivers who can get FAST cards, and we're offering a solution to that, which is to use the transport security clearance.
Again, in terms of duplication, why should a driver have to have 16 types of security clearance--one for air freight forward, one for dangerous goods, one to go across the border, one to go to a port, and one to go to an airport? Once you have a transportation security clearance, it's done--no overlap.
In terms of cost, it's actually not that expensive, for the time claimed.