We are. In fact, we have been pushing to attach it to drivers' licences.
The truth of the matter is—and I will scare you more—the provinces are lax in enforcing any rules in trucking, from hours of service to just checking trucks to make sure they're okay, never mind Canadian trucks; but for foreign trucks, nothing. There is a huge lack of enforcement.
The dangerous goods are generally—and I think you might agree from the trucking side—transported by larger companies or rail companies. A lot of faith rests upon them doing their jobs. I think the record has been that they've done a pretty good job. The enforcement is lax. It's lax on hours of service, lax on safety, lax on everything.
I agree that it's a provincial matter. They just do not put a lot of money into it. Perhaps something the federal government could help out on is to give the provinces some more money to enforce some of the rules. I'm not putting that forward; it's just off the cuff. But we'd certainly like to see more enforcement.