We have expressed concerns over the last number of years to U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Canada Border Services Agency about the transparency of the review process on FAST cards. It's a very legitimate concern, and you're absolutely right to raise it. Unfortunately, it's a process that we're stuck with if we want to get our drivers into the U.S. today, tomorrow, and next week. So we've had to live with that one, and unfortunately there have been some situations where people do not feel that they've been treated appropriately.
The model that has been rolled out at Canadian ports, the transportation security clearance, which is administered by Transport Canada, in my mind, at least, is a far more transparent process in terms of actually laying out what the criteria are to qualify for the card. In addition to that, there's an actual appeal process, different steps, and it's all laid out. You can read the details on the Internet. From that point of view, that is certainly preferable to FAST, where it's a bit of a black hole.