That's in terms of how construction project cycles work. We have shared a chart with the government operations committee. Maybe we will share it with this committee as well. You might find it useful.
It does give one an opportunity to look at how infrastructure project cycles work, from the application and funding to the government and the province or territory agreeing and jointly announcing the funding, and then to where the work can actually begin. It then goes into a pre-construction procurement stage, to the construction stage, and then to project completion and the submission of the claims.
The important thing in the infrastructure stimulus fund, for example, is that we have provided opportunities for provinces to submit progress reports to us, but hopefully claims information at the same time, so that when the claims information comes to us, we do an assessment. We have to make sure that we adhere to the requirements of the agreement and hold true to our accountabilities under the sections of the Financial Administration Act. Then, within the 30 days, we get the money out to the province.
It's important to say this, though. While we encourage the bills to come in and the claims to come in, we have many projects either competed or under way for which we have not received any submissions from provinces.