Yes, Mr. Volpe. Some of that money is being used to buy some millimeter wave equipment.
That equipment has been tested this year at the Kelowna airport. There is no intention whatsoever to make the usage of this equipment mandatory for passengers. It is only being used for secondary screening. The passengers are being offered the choice of either having a pat-down or going through the millimeter wave equipment.
There is no intention, either, to deploy significant numbers in that equipment, so it will be restricted to only some airports. It has been carefully reviewed by the Privacy Commissioner. In fact, we're pleased to report that just a few weeks ago the Privacy Commissioner endorsed and approved the privacy analysis that was done by CATSA on the usage of that equipment, with the condition that it remain for use on a voluntary basis.
This means that if a passenger is being selected for secondary screening, as occurs once in a while, the passenger is being offered the choice, where this equipment is available, to either go through the equipment or have the pat-down. You would be surprised. but quite a large number of people in the trial have indicated their preference to go through the machine rather than have the physical pat-down.