Your decision might cause Propair, a local company, to leave. Propair represents $15 million a year which is invested in Rouyn-Noranda. These people have just built a brand new building. If the flight service station closed, that would mean the loss of 14 jobs. Please understand that it makes no sense whatsoever. We are the gateway to the north. You might have the numbers, but what you're presenting us with is unacceptable to all of us who live there. My colleague has just talked about the eastern part of the province, but I'm talking about the western part. From Grande Rivière to Rouyn-Noranda, we service Hydro Quebec. If someone gets injured, the medevac would not be able to land.
Last Monday, the temperature varied between -2o and -26o over a distance of 100 kilometres. The airport at Rouyn was able to provide accurate information. Please understand just how important these airports are for those regions. I hope I've made myself clear. It doesn't make any sense at all. If you do close them down, the private sector companies will immediately go elsewhere. If Xstrata cannot operate in the north anymore, what are we going to do? I have nothing against Toronto, but we would lose everything.
There is development in the north. There is going to be a mining boom in Rouyn-Noranda and Val-d'Or. That's why we signed agreements with the airlines. So what will we do?