Maybe I didn't do as good a job as I should have, but I tried to articulate some of those goals and objectives and outcomes that we'd like to achieve under each of the pillars.
For example, under the environment, we want to be able to better understand what's going on with respect to climate change and what the measures are that we need to take to help deal with the impacts and adaptation to climate change. On some of that, we need to do more research, more science, and we need to analyze the results of the work we did under the International Polar Year, so you can see how science integrates with that objective.
Under economic development, there are strong links between economic development and our ability to streamline the regulatory process to make it work in the north. The regulatory process in the north is a combination of the creation of all the different land claims and self-government agreements. Now we have to step back and look at it and see whether it is producing results. Is it meeting modern standards with respect to achieving those results? That's another area—