Thank you. I'll be sharing my time with Mr. Mayes.
I have just one question. I've heard from a lot of people that NEXUS cards are difficult to apply for, and they're very invasive. I have to tell you, I applied for a NEXUS card, and I must be the only person in Canada who thinks that it was a pretty simple process.
I've been hunting since I was probably eight years old. I know that comes as a bit of shock, but when I was 16 I had to go and get a safety firearms course. Then I had to fill out forms. Every five years or so, I have to fill out forms for a weapon. I have to tell you, to be able to hunt in this country takes the most invasive process I've ever seen about anything. Every five years they renew it. They do background checks on ex-wives and things like that.
Quite frankly, I was surprised at how easy the NEXUS card is compared to the firearms card, especially considering what we saw happen with 9/11. You couldn't cause that much devastation for that many people in probably three weeks with a modern weapon in Canada.
So I'm wondering, are we moving towards a system where we would have one card or one biometric database that would enable you to get on planes, trains, and major transportation automobiles, cross borders, enter Parliament Hill, go to courthouses, and things like that? Are we moving towards a system of biometrics or a single card or some sort of system where there will be one central database and you're either an A level security, B level security, or C level security, and that will give you certain entitlements from there?