Well, thank you for establishing that.
Mr. Henderson, DC-10s went out of production in 1988. The two DC-10s that you claim you needed in order to provide a service, you would not have needed if that contract hadn't become available. But you needed them because each DC-10 replaces four of your 727s, I think you said. So you needed two of them, but they were mothballed in Arizona and had been there for quite some time, and Kelowna Flightcraft went out and purchased them and refurbished them.
Because Kelowna Flightcraft is represented on your board, I can only anticipate that you would have some awareness of why Kelowna Flightcraft would go out there—and this amount is in the public domain—and spend $20 million on two aircraft that have been mothballed for some time. These aircraft are the worst polluters in the world, and yet Kelowna Aircraft felt they needed to make an investment.
Was it on spec, or did they know something from inside the Purolator board that the rest of us are going to be asked to pay for through public funds?