Yes, Mr. Chair, and thank you.
First I'd like to say that I haven't been familiar with this issue in about a year. So it's the first time this morning that it's been brought up. Certainly I understand there are about 350 pilots across Canada, who each make approximately $200,000 to $250,000. These new regulations may impact them, I'm not certain, but I would ask the committee's indulgence in this particular case. Maybe Mrs. Crombie could talk to me afterwards, and I could find out the information from the department. And it might avoid the conclusion where we would have to spend time before the end of the session on something that, quite frankly, deals with 350 people compared with the 32 million people we're dealing with in this particular issue today.
So not to underscore the value of it, but I don't know what's.... Usually we talk about this outside of the committee, and we don't have to raise points of order. I'm more than happy to talk about it with her and arrange a briefing for her and for you, Mr. Volpe, or Monsieur Laframboise. But it's the first I've heard of it. So I don't want to commit the time of this committee and the valuable time of the committee members on something at this stage that really.... I don't know what Mrs. Crombie is referring to.
Not only that, we have the mayor of Laval here. They're gracing us with their presence at the last moment. I'd really like to hear from him and from those he represents. So I would like to move forward with that if I could. And if Ms. Crombie wants to talk to me about it afterwards, outside of their precious time being wasted, I'd be more than happy to do so.