Mr. Tomihara, you recommend that Transport Canada's budgets be increased. I agree with you, they don't have enough staff. However, you don't recommend that it be obligatory that all companies and manufacturers advise Transport Canada as soon as they receive complaints. For safety's sake, it would be important that an independent body like Transport Canada compile all of the complaints as soon as they are received, even at Toyota.
Currently, they only compile the ones they receive. I am asking you whether you agree with me. If I understand you correctly, this is going to continue, you will receive complaints, and you will do analyses, and hire other researchers. Your company is so big that it takes five months before you recognize that there is a defect. That is pretty complicated, Mr. Tomihara. We just want our citizens to be safe, quite simply. Do you agree with me? Should you not advise Transport Canada of the complaints as soon as you receive them?