Nationally, the money was divided on a per capita basis. Western Diversification as a whole got the amount on a per capita basis. Within that, we set a base amount of $10 million per region. Then, additionally, between the two different programs, CAF and RInC, there was an additional $410 million approximately. That was divided on a per capita basis.
Then, within the region, the Vancouver office that you talked about, the B.C. office of WD, talked to just about every municipality there was, talked to all the proponents that there might be, had it up on the website, took in applications, and judged those applications on the criteria that were published.
Those were the criteria, critical things such as whether you would create jobs now, whether you would be done by March 31, whether you needed such things as environmental assessments that would actually put you outside the window or were ready to go, whether you had your financing in place. Those were all criteria, and all those pieces had to come together.
We had $2 billion in requests for CAF funding alone. We had roughly $450 million, I think it was, in requests under the RInC funding, and we used those criteria to pare it down to those places. As I say, on CAF we came up with 440 communities across western Canada that were able to pull projects together.