Doesn't it really make sense that they keep that information for seven days? First of all, there are going to be tens of thousands of pieces of information. It's going to be a lot of information. But if something happens in two days and they have erased it after 24 hours, they don't have it, so they don't know what's going on, or if something happens in three or four days, which is definitely plausible, as with what we've seen with the underwear bomber and the people who were involved in 9/11. We needed that information, and if we had that information, we could have gone back in time and made sure other people wouldn't be able to do exactly what they did, because we'd know where they were flying from. We would know where they're coming from and what they were doing.
I for one am very hopeful that this legislation passes, because I think it's very important to keep North America—our perimeter—and the citizens within that perimeter safe from these types of people.