I understand the issue of protecting the privacy rights of Canadians. I am kind of interested, though, to note that, really, to fly into American airspace is not a right. To fly over it is not a right. It's a privilege, just like it's a privilege to get a driver's licence, for instance. The Supreme Court has made that decision very clear: it's a privilege to get a driver's licence, not a right to get a driver's licence. And I think it's very good of the United States to actually grant the request of this government, which is an exemption for some of those flights.
What I'd like to talk about a bit is my understanding of this system in the United States, because of course it is a system that is their sovereign right to decide upon. My understanding is that the information they will receive will be, by requirement, name, birthdate, and gender, as has been mentioned, but also other information that we're prepared to actually give an airline, any airline, a low-cost airline or whatever the airline is. They get a VISA number and what other information there is and provide that to the United States, if available. The administration will keep that information for seven days, but in fact nobody sees that except for a computer. My understanding is that for the first seven days, that analysis to see whether the name is linked with any other name is done by computer. I understand why, because of course there are tens of thousands of names that are going to go on that list every single day. But that's actually vetted by a computer system.
If the computer marks it as a positive or a possible positive, they will keep that information for seven years, if indeed it has a possible link to a terrorist or something like that. And if it is a terrorist, they'll keep it for 99 years, and I hope they keep it forever, bluntly, in my mind, because I don't want terrorists, obviously, to keep Canadians unsafe and cause the immense expense they have. As far as I'm concerned, those people who are going to be on the list for seven years or 99 years, they can keep that forever, because I want to be safe when I fly, because I fly a lot.
I just don't understand what the issue is. I understand that you're balancing privacy against the right of the United States to have us fly over, but I don't understand what you're suggesting as far as an option that is realistic.