Certainly, I'd be more than happy to.
As you know, subsection 6(1) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms says:
Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.
Of course, that's what you're referring to, but international law is such, with Canada—it's different from the United States—that when we sign a treaty, it actually becomes domestic law. As you're aware, we signed the treaty of 1944, the Chicago convention, which actually gives other countries supreme right over their airspace.
Section 6, if I might paraphrase, should read that “Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada”, as long as the sovereignty of other nations is respected and obeyed. That's really what the law means when you take it into context with the Chicago convention, which as Canadians we have to, because international law applies, once we ratify it, as Canadian law. It's different in the United States.
Now, my questions.
As you can tell, I don't agree with you. I think the U.S. has sovereignty over its airspace, just like Canada does. In fact I think this actually strengthens Canada's sovereignty over our own airspace.
Do you know why I say that? You said it weakens it. Well, of course it strengthens it. There is no question that the foundation of international law is based on the sovereignty of state. There's no question that's what international law is all about: the sovereignty of each individual state.
With us ratifying and giving the ability for the United States...and confirming that they have the ability to control their own sovereign airspace, certainly that gives Canada the same ability to have sovereign rights over its airspace. I just wanted to talk about that a bit.
I appreciate your coming here today. And I appreciate your concerns, but let's say we've had negotiations with the U.S. for two to three years. We've got some exemptions--the only country in the world to get these exemptions, is my understanding, of having that ability to fly over their airspace. What would you recommend we do? We're at the end. The U.S. has said they're not going to negotiate anymore. What else would you suggest we do? That's my first question.
My second question--because I know I'm going to be cut off and I won't have enough time--is have any of you three individuals travelled to the United States in the last three years? Have you provided everything the customs officials at the border have asked you for?