You have to remember the purpose of the collection of the information. It's been documented. Ms. Namiesniowski has talked about her discussions with the U.S. It is collected to be matched against certain watchlists and certain health lists. That is the purpose for which it is collected. When we are assisting them by changing our laws, all we're doing is lifting a privacy restriction that's in PIPEDA so that the airlines can comply with the law of the foreign state, the U.S. That's all we're doing.
The airlines will be sharing information so they can continue business. That information is only going to be shared for specific purposes. If there is a potential match, it will be saved longer, and if there is an actual match, it is up to 99 years, but this isn't throwing information holus-bolus into the web of systems they have in the U.S. This is for a specific purpose. It's for overflights and it's to know who is on that plane.
As to why they ask for these data elements, one of the purposes is to reduce the number of cases of mistaken identity. Mr. Guimond was talking about people with certain names and racial profiling. This is actually to guard against that. They want to have certain information so they can be sure that person is the person they have on their list.