I think I have three more names on it.
I'm going to read again from the letter I received:
To be specific: Secure Flight Passenger Data is screened against Terrorist Screening Database Records (TSDB, the U.S. Government's consolidated consolidated terrorist watchlist, including the No Fly and Selectee lists). Secure Flight Passenger Data is also screened against significant public health records issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Secure Flight Passenger Data is shared for aviation security/national security purposes upon confirmation of positive matches to either the TSDB or CDC records. In very limited circumstances which are considered on a case-by-case basis, Secure Flight Passenger Data may be shared with other law enforcement agencies under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7) of the Privacy Act. Sharing under this exception is for specific law enforcement situations.
They do put a tag line in here that:
Any information shared is limited to an individual or limited group of individuals for specific investigative purposes related to terrorism or national security. Since the inception of the Secure Flight program, TSA has provided information about a traveler to federal law enforcement officials on only three occasions to further a terrorism or national security investigation.
I think the intent of suggesting this is the fact that if you aren't on a list, or you don't match, as was stated earlier, your name is taken off the list immediately. The fact that they've only advanced information three times would suggest in my mind—my mind only—that they are handling the information as appropriate.
I have Mr. Jean next.