Perhaps John would want to address that. On the specifics of the five hundred and—because I'm not sure exactly what that number represents. Basically, what we end up doing each year is allotting a certain amount of money for infrastructure, in this case the infrastructure stimulus fund. We're never sure because we never know for sure—for example, right now we have 1,300 projects out there that are completed that no one has given us any bills for yet. Until we get those bills, we don't know what they are. Each year you end up having to re-profile money to look after when that bill has actually come in. The allocation is set out in the budget. That is the amount that will be spent, but we just don't know when the bills will come in. There's an obligation on the proponents to get them in to us. But as I say, right now, there are 1,300 projects with no bills, so they end up having to re-profile this money.
John, do you have something specifically on the $570 million?