I know that the report on high-speed rail is yet to come in, and we'll see. But what is definite is higher-speed rail. We committed $407 million in the last budget to major infrastructure. That's a little over $1 billion in the last number of years for VIA or passenger rail.
A good part of the money is actually being spent in the corridor between Windsor and Quebec City, but particularly between Toronto and Montreal. The goal is to reduce by half an hour passenger train time from Toronto to Montreal.
This is actually very good news. The project is moving along aggressively. There is a little bit of time yet to get it done. There are some holdups because of exactly what we were just talking about--land acquisition, and so on.
It is proceeding, and not only is it going to be a faster speed, but we have a tremendous amount of investment, as part of those dollars, in refurbishing the actual trains, not only the engines but the cars themselves. So you'll be riding in not only a faster train--I don't know if it will pin your ears back--but one that will certainly be much more comfortable because of the refurbishing of the entire fleet.