I should contextualize this by first saying that we don't own a lot of track. We own roughly 160 miles of our own track. Primarily our operations are on CN and to a lesser extent CP track.
Having said that, if you can close one crossing, two crossings, several crossings, it's that many crossings reduced and that much risk reduced. As an example, I'll speak a little bit about what we refer to as our Alexandria subdivision. It's actually the subdivision from about CĂ´teau, Quebec, into Ottawa. On that relatively short piece of track--it's roughly 70 miles--we have 98 crossings, let's say a hundred crossings, over 75 miles or so. We've been able to contact private landowners who have private crossings over that 75 miles and we've slated for 2011 to close about half of those crossings. But I'm telling you it's tough slogging. It's tough work, because basically you have to go and knock on doors, go into people's kitchens, sit down at the kitchen table, and talk about this thing.