Good morning.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I thank you and of course the distinguished members of this committee for allowing me to appear. I am very honoured to be here today as part of your important and ongoing study into aviation safety and security.
As noted by the chair, my name is Joram Bobasch, and I'm the executive vice-president of ICTS Europe Holdings. We are one of the largest and most trusted aviation security companies in the world. In Canada, you may be aware of our affiliate, SEALS. SEALS stands for Security Excellence in Air, Land and Sea. That's our Canadian air arm of our international operations.
I hope my remarks and our discussions today will be helpful in your deliberations on this very important subject. I have personally spent decades in this industry and the opportunity to address Canadian parliamentarians is quite an honour for me.
I would like to start by introducing to you ICTS Europe—who we are and where we operate—and outline for you what we believe to be some of our core experiences that could contribute to the country's aviation security system. I would then like to touch on our commitment to the Canadian marketplace and of course would be willing to answer any questions you might have. I'm ready for the grilling.
ICTS was founded in 1982 as a consulting company. In the late eighties, it became a leader in the field of aviation security services. At present we comprise many subsidiaries, maintaining over 80 offices and locations--mainly in airports--in 27 countries, and employing over 13,000 employees. In comparison with the TSA, which employs about 48,000 screeners, we are probably the second-largest aviation screening operation worldwide, with the slight difference that we are privately owned and we operate in an international environment.
Almost literally, we have operations in most of all the major airports in Europe, and with our high-tech solutions, we serve more than 500 airports internationally. Our pride as a company has been the development of an unrivalled reputation for professional integrity, service quality, innovation, and responsible commercial practice.
To put the size of ICTS and its operations in perspective for committee members, we process on an annual basis probably three to four times more than all the passengers who are screened in Canada.
I have followed your committee's deliberations over the past year and also some of the policy developments that the government has made as a result of the strategic review of CATSA. Each country works to achieve its own security balance, and I hope that ICTS and our discussion today can be helpful for you as you work to achieve Canadian aviation security excellence.
The importance of a robust and comprehensive aviation security system cannot be overstated. The aviation industry has long been a target for attacks, and Canada has suffered direct tragic results of this targeting, with the Air India disaster in the eighties. The post-9/11 era spurred an unprecedented emphasis on aviation security, making it a significant concern and priority for travellers, government, and the international air community as a whole.
As a result, we have seen a flurry of changes to aviation security regulations and procedures. New measures have included the adoption of advanced screening procedures and technology, the expansion of the list of banned or prohibited items, increased inspection of baggage and cargo, increased information sharing between international partners—something, I understand, that you just voted on—and the enhanced presence of law enforcement. The application of those new, more stringent measures, while designed to counter emerging threats, has also garnered criticism from the public, who have begun to question whether these measures are reasonable, effective, and justified.
The primary objective of aviation security should be to safeguard passengers, personnel, and the general public from unlawful acts of interference on aircraft and at airports. Security threats range from unruly passenger behaviour through hijacking to terrorism.
While the security and safety of the general public should be of the utmost concern when considering aviation security policies, the corresponding mechanisms employed in support of this goal should not affect the efficiency of passenger flow and passenger service at the airport and in security systems. It is ICTS Europe's view that security measures should not be excessively expensive, should make sense for both passengers and staff, and should not cause unreasonable waiting times or interference with human rights.
When it comes to geography, local legislation, risk levels, and physical complexity, every airport in every country is unique in its own requirements. We believe it is essential to develop a control system that can adapt quickly, effectively, and in a flexible manner to current events, environments, and occurrences.
As a full aviation security company, therefore, ICTS develops and deploys innovative solutions that are flexible and scalable in order to meet airport security needs. These include the basic establishment of a comprehensive security concept that is based on an in-depth risk analysis. This is the basic start to every process that you see: what is the risk that we are dealing with? Then comes the design and implementation of all aspects of the system that might mitigate this assessed risk. And then comes doing the service, undertaking the full handling and control of the system, and supervising it.
What ICTS does in the 27 countries is sometimes to help the regulator, but mostly to accept from the regulator what is perceived and analyzed as the right risk and what the protocol is, what the procedures are for them to mitigate that risk, and then to make sure that the level of services is in compliance with those needs, knowing that we are dealing with human beings—and we only employ 13,000 of those. We know that the level of performance of employees varies, so it is at the level of compliance that is required from the employees worldwide—when they hit the bottom line—that we talk about the security protocols.
Our goal is actually to manufacture a system of compliance. ICTS Europe implements a far-sighted approach that allows multi-skilled individuals to work flexibly and efficiently together. They operate within the systems and structures specifically developed to deliver the optimum standard of streamlined, stress-free service while producing this kind of compliance.
Delays caused by rigorous screening processes or, at times, the complete shutdown of terminals, as we all know, result in significant economic losses. Delays--also called bottlenecks--at airports of origin can cause a domino effect of even more delays at the destination airports. We know that the major transportation at major airports is transiting, and if a passenger arrives late at a certain airport, he cannot board the next flight. Either the passenger's flight is delayed or the airplane is being delayed, so we have a domino effect. As aviation is a global product and we're talking globally about moving three billion people annually around the world—almost half of the world's population is travelling on an annual basis—a delay at a starting point can create a domino effect of a major delay at the end point.
Furthermore, airport tenants, such as retailers, suffer heavy losses as a result of events such as terminal closures, evacuations due to false alarms, and so on. We have seen this recently at London's Heathrow airport, which was closed due to weather. We saw it through the Christmas Day event of 2009 in Detroit. Another example would be last year's ash cloud over Europe.
The evolution of aviation security has seen a shift in recent years, whereby the nature of a potential individual and the nature of the threats may have changed significantly. As a result, authorities have reacted by adding new layers to their security protocols. However, it should be expected that these new security measures would actually correspond to current and to changing threats.
Another example you might remember occurred in August 2006. Due to new information that was guarded by the British intelligence forces, overnight there was a banning of the known LAGs, liquids and gels, which created chaos the next morning. But the requirement and the challenge for security systems is to react as fast as possible and to implement a new protocol overnight because the risk is as such.
If security staff become skeptical of the measures they are applying and do not understand the rationale behind them, soon they will fail to enforce them and follow the required procedures. Therefore, in order to ensure the proper deployment of new security measures, the security staff must understand them and recognize their purpose. When we are manufacturing compliance, one very, very important element is to monitor and to manage the personnel on the floor. This is one of the capabilities we have developed in the past years: monitoring the personnel.
It is also crucial that any procedures or techniques reflect the current status of research and development. Furthermore, staff must be oriented with the present security situation and be aware of any new threats. Every bit of up-to-date information will impact current security procedures. It is not only the technology but also the personnel that should be developed on a continuous basis through training and monitoring. Only a combination of up-to-date technology on the one hand and well-informed staff on the other hand will assure the most optimal level of security.
Canada is a big country geographically and a diverse one ethnically. Air services are critical to the movement of people, goods, and services. Therefore, it is essential for the Canadian way of life to ensure a safe and continuous air travel system. Studies like the one you are conducting are a great exercise, and I hope you will take the time to examine best practices internationally and apply those elements you believe will serve the Canadian public in the most appropriate manner.
Here in Canada, SEALS, an affiliate of ICTS Europe, has acquired A.S.P., which is a security service organization based in Burlington, Ontario. This acquisition is consistent with our desire to serve the Canadian market with the same level of excellence that we have achieved internationally over the past 25 years. It is an objective of the SEALS organization to utilize A.S.P.'s positioning and operational strength and ICTS Europe's experience and knowledge to offer significant additional value to the aviation sector within the security spectrum, thus leveraging our experience and introducing the beginning of a long and, we hope, very successful future in the Canadian market.
ICTS Europe aspires to be a fully engaged partner with the government and contribute to the public policy debate in Canada to ensure that Canadians continue to enjoy safe and secure and efficient aviation services.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for allowing me to give my opening remarks. I would be happy to take any of your questions.