The difference, and what we're supportive of, is the discussions that occurred with regard to the municipal land-use issue, which is within provincial and territorial jurisdictions and not within federal jurisdiction. We are suggesting the process was a good process. Whether that process provided for 250, 300, or 350 metres, that was the outcome of the process.
But what we're seeing potentially happening here is that there would be a cross-Canada application of a 300-metre notification distance, when what we should be talking about is how we deal with the issue of notification in municipal and provincial jurisdictions. That process was successful in Ontario. They were able to sit at the table with the municipalities, the associations, the province, and the railway association and come to an agreement about what the notification distance would be.
I think if you use that model across the country, it would then be tailored to the needs of those municipalities and those provincial jurisdictions. It works in Ontario. The 300 metres may not work in some other province or some other territory. Again, we're talking about municipal jurisdiction.