I'm going to try to answer as briefly as possible.
You seem to be concerned about the shareholders. Air Canada shares have gone from $20 in 2006 to $2.50 today. Given that Air Canada is 75% owned by Canadians, it is Canadians who have lost huge amounts of money. Where did that money go?
A total of $5.3 billion was taken out of Air Canada to be redistributed to Ace Aviation shareholders. That is a financial scandal that the papers didn't talk about.
If there is genuine concern for Air Canada shareholders, why not have left the $5.3 billion for the Air Canada shareholders, instead of sending it to Ace Aviation shareholders so they could get richer and the Canadian public could get poorer?
As well, there is an advantage to having operation and overhaul centres. Air Canada is not complying with the act. As Ms. Sénécal said, our operation and overhaul centres are among the safest in North America. I have articles saying that safety will be jeopardized in El Salvador. The important thing for El Salvador is to make profits. Safety is not a priority.
If Air Canada closes its operation and overhaul centres in Canada and has maintenance done in El Salvador, obviously safety will be lower.