Thank you, Mr. Chair.
On the issue of the point of order Mr. Lamoureux raised, the committee.... When Air Canada officials appeared before us, I asked for specific information, which Air Canada officials were extremely reluctant to provide to the committee. I argued—and I think I argued effectively—that it was very pivotal and central to the issue at hand of the adherence, the subscription to the Air Canada Public Participation Act. It was not indicated at the time whether or not the committee would be getting a complete response.
The clerk, apparently, received on March 7, 2011, a response from Air Canada to some of those questions that were raised weeks ago. The information could not be transmitted to committee members until four minutes before our witnesses were originally scheduled to depart this chamber.
I don't find that very acceptable on the part of Air Canada, to send information that is critical to these hearings.... I'll even go so far as to make an assumption. The clerk probably received these letters, these clarifications, from Air Canada late yesterday afternoon. If it weren't for these witnesses appearing before this committee, I don't think we ever would have received any response from Air Canada.
But that being said, given the fact that this information from Air Canada was not received in a timely fashion, that the information in their correspondence to the clerk for the benefit of committee members does raise some pretty provocative issues, I would agree with Mr. Lamoureux that Air Canada should be compelled to come back to this committee chamber to provide some further clarification, answers it failed to provide in its previous appearance before the committee.