Perhaps now we could move to consider this motion regarding the limo drivers. For the benefit of those who were not at the last meeting, there was significant discussion, which I will try to summarize.
The date on which the meeting is proposed is now March 24, which is later than originally proposed. The reason for that is there's a Labour Relations Board ruling prior to that, and we will not be hearing these people when the issue is before the courts because that decision will have been made.
Second, there was some discussion as to whether this was within the mandate of this committee. Some people thought not. Others, including myself, argued it has to do in part with the governance of the airport authority, and that is or could be a concern of the transport committee. I think that's where we were.
And then the issue came up of whether it's in order. The chair ruled. We overruled the chair, so we're now in discussion of this motion.
Mr. Jean.