I think the question is a good one. Why did the government of the day put these things in place? The reason the government of the day put these things in place--this is 23 or 24 years ago--was because it was transferring it from a crown corporation, with all of the benefits that came with that, to the private sector. At the time, they said it was going to be privatized. With that came a whole raft of government investment. It was long ago, but at the time, it made sense that you'd say that when you transfer to the private sector, here are some things you have to do, because the Government of Canada had a huge investment in the company at that time.
This is a quarter of a century later. I would ask you to consider whether it is in the best interest of the air industry to select one company out of a list of many and say that what we're going to do with one company, but not with the rest, is have a legislative restriction, and all that goes with it, on the activities of what's now a completely private company. I just urge you to think about the impact of that. I don't think it's wise.
Right now we have two companies, both healthy, both adding employers and employees, and both talking about the bright future together. If you start to say that you're going to run that company right from this committee table, I think you're going to have more difficulties rather than fewer.