In fact, Governor Snyder would characterize it as more than a priority. I think the State of the State Address put this piece of infrastructure at the centre of an entire economic strategy. So that is a major step forward.
In terms of suggestions about renaming it, there are a number of thoughts from our community. One, which I might support, is some consideration around whether this new bridge reflects some sort of honour with respect to veterans who have served in both countries. We'll submit that for consideration on behalf of something that seems to be growing in the region.
As we are progressing through the stimulus period, obviously the economic action plan and the infrastructure investments have been significant. They've had enormous impact either in improving quality of life in communities or in repositioning local and regional economies for economic recovery. I know, for example, that investments in the Windsor port facility have not only positioned that facility to be competitive as a Great Lakes port but have prepared us well for the increasing demands from aggregate and other things like that, to support not only current infrastructure but the DRIC as it moves to the construction phase at some point in the future. Having said that, I know there have been additional port investments. I understand the Port of Sept-Iles has had some important benefits. Can you describe the economic impact of the ISF investment, for example, in the Port of Sept-Iles?