Your question was how are we going to make it sustainable, how are we going to make sure we get the best bang for the dollar. Whether it's the travelling public or the general public paying for it, we want to make sure those dollars will be spent in an efficient way and not compromise safety in the process. So we're going to target real risk issues, and we're going to be much smarter about how we do that.
Actually, Minister Strahl and I made an announcement just recently with regard to how we're going to do that, rolling that out over this next year. We're going to increase productivity on security lines by 30%, which is no small task, by doing a number of things in a much better way than we have in the past.
We went through a review, which was actually announced in the 2010 budget, over this last year. It was a very thorough review. We had all of the interest groups in, we took their advice, and we revamped how we're doing security, in a much better way. So I think that's going to lead us to a place where we're going to be competitive internationally and nationally, and there's going to be less hassle at the airport. I know you go through the airport a lot, and so do most people in this room. They can look forward to appreciating that kind of increase in productivity.