He's a better engineer; I'm a geophysicist.
Just to answer a little bit concerning where Mr. Julian was going, sometimes you won't have a professional engineer on site. You'll have an engineer in training or an engineering technologist or someone who works under them. The professional engineer still has to have their stamp to sign off on these sorts of things, so they're still legally liable for the people who will be working underneath them. So the standards don't change; it's just that someone working on behalf of the engineer will do it, but he still has his legal neck on the line.
Although I never quite got the seniority to sign off on other people's work, neither I nor I'm sure Sukh or any other professional engineer is going to put our stamp on anything, because that's legal liability, the same as for lawyers and various other professions. So effectively an engineer controls this, even though someone else is working on it. That's the understanding from our professional background. The lawyers might explain it differently.
Fundamentally, the professional engineer is controlling this, even though someone else may be working. It may be someone who has three years of engineering experience, an “EIT”, or engineer in training, but they still need.... They may have more experience, actually, than the PEng who signs off for them, but that person may be miles and miles away and may have shipped the instructions to them on site and may actually just be signing off on their work.
I've had senior engineers, senior geoscientists, sign off on my work before, and they just double-checked to make sure I had done everything right.
That's my understanding of what this permits, and that's what the witnesses are indicating.